Last year we did our first ever Costume Contest, and it was so fun, we are doing it again!
We ask that the kids come dressed as their favorite cartoon character, whether it's Snow White or Bugs Bunny.
It can be exactly like the character, or a little different, for example:
Costume Contest
Ages 6-8
Ages 9-12
Ages 13-18
For each age group there will be a Best in Age Group, Most Original, Most Authentic, and Most Creative.
Though you might want to think twice if you are considering a cape.....
There will also be the annual "Decorate Your Folder" contest. We will take pictures of all the folders and hand out prizes at lunch on Friday.
Folder Contest
Ages 6-8
Ages 9-12
Ages 13-18
We collect the folders to be judged before lunch of Thursday, take a picture of each one with the name of the artist, then judge then that day after camp, and award the prizes on Friday
I will be dressing up as random characters through camp as well, just to give you a little inspiration. ;)
So, I will see you at camp!
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